a dark secret had been reviewed!
someone has a habit of talking about people.. (sort of behind somebody's back) but in fact it is very front. (1 meter away) <这样的说法就是论断人!!>
i just can't stand it anymore. the whispering, the criticizing and worsely.. someone called a smoking gal a prostitute!?
how shocking is this huh?
i just wonder, if we kept complaining about people of this world, criticizing about the way people look, dress and do, are we going to show our love for them?
what is the point behind talking like that? that someone said this is to remind ourself not to behave like that, but then i think this action looked down on people and laugh at them, rather than what is claim to be.
this attitude is very congtagious. i worried i might ended up like that too... sigh...
must keep my mind and focus upon Jesus!