Thursday, June 30, 2005


a very interesting and comforting fact i found out today..

Psalm 30:1-12

history teaches that every problem and every experience of suffering has a life span. No problem is permanent. are you suffering? do you have problems?

they will pass; they will not last. your problem will not live forever, but you will!

storms always give way to the sun. winter always thaws into springtime. your storm will pass. your winter will thaw. your crying will end. your problem will be resolved.

trust in the Lord with all your heart, because He loves us.

sometimes.. it's very easy for those who is in great life, achieving everything and have a perfect life tells us to trust in the Lord. but how about when we suffers? and having everything upside down and still say they trust the Lord?

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, and he saves those who spirits have been crushed" Psalm 31:18

i'm comforted by those brothers and sisters. they are the glorified witness to Jesus. because they teaches me how to still trust in the Lord even then times of trouble, and problems. therefore, this verse. meant a lot to me.

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