Monday, February 13, 2006

Overdue Goodbye

i should have said goodbye and leave you 5 years ago but i did not.

i should have had these mixed-uncertain feelings 5 years ago yet i waited until now.

staying here for the first 2 years was an impossible task because of what i am.

never will i regret or struggle or angry because now i have to leave,

but thankful and grateful that i was given so much opportunities and time to be here when i actually don't deserve it at all.

to me, this is all an overdue goodbye that i should have said, 5 years ago.

Goodbye England... Goodbye Birmingham...

1 comment:

Tiffany said...


Its a shame for not seeing you once again before you left UK.
How's thing back in Msia?
May God bless you abundantly..

take care,
