Friday, December 03, 2004

The battered Body

Life can be so tiring sometimes, with all that happens around the world, the unfortunate incidents, the unfair rumours and treatments to people... with all that is going on, it might be cause some serious damage to ones life, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We might never really knows if what we said or comment will have such great impact to a person. Even the slightest comment might cause a person to demorale, to be low self esteem or to become withdraw or isolate themselves.

I still remembered I once have a friend who is so fragile that if she heard someone gives bad comment about her, she cried immediately..

What is the motive behind such comments? It is a REAL concern to that person? It is a REAL care and love we are trying to show? or if this is just another juicy gossip or story we would like to get to know.... sometimes, the latter is actually our REAL intentions. we just wanna find out.

To me, this really feel like a battered body.. Violently beaten emotionally by those who said they are concern, they care...

Even with all this unpreventable problems... we should still remind ourself one thing: that God himself actually knows about all these. He is watching us and going through with us, with His promise in Isaiah 40:29
He gives strength to those who are tired and more power to those who are weak. Even children become tired and need to rest, and young people trip and fall. but the people who trust the Lord will become strong again. They will rise up as an eagle in the sky; they will run and not need rest; they will walk and not become tired.
Life in this world won't be a smooth sailing at all, but at least, we know where we can gain our strengths to live through such storms. Hope you will found such strength too!

Great souls are grown through struggles and storms and seasons of suffering....

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